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Hoeveel kost plan2work?
plan2work.eu has a simple, flexible and easily-accessible rate structure on the basis of a subscription. For each customer we create a custom rate plan, depending on the organisational structure of the company and the number of staff.

pLAN2WORK is an ASP. A plan service over the Internet. In order to use this service you pay a monthly subscription fee. This fee is flexible and based on the number of actively planned staff in pLAN2WORK. It includes all technical support, initial setup, automatic updates and basic email helpdesk service. So no expensive initial license fees, or yearly maintenance fees. The subscription can be cancelled at any time, usually within time frames of three months up
to a year.

Any other costs?
  • Consultancy
    Depending on the size of the organization and the needs to analyze and improve processes as well, pLAN8 can assist you with the implementation. pLAN8 is a leading consultancy firm on staffplanning issues and has decades of experience in groundhandling planning. Consultancy is charged by the hour, per half day or per day, depending on the size of the project.
  • Development
    Within the subscription, the service is improved and new functionality added constantly without extra costs. If you desire custom development, we will do this on a fixed price offer, so no surprises afterwards.

Subscription types
You can take out a subscription for various periods, always including maintenance, service, updates and the most recent developments.
  • Open-ended subscription
    This agreement is subject to a notice period of three months.
  • Subscription for long-term use
    This involves an agreement for at least one year with a fixed amount per month or per year.

Terms and conditions
All agreements are subject to the general terms and conditions of plan2work.eu.
Each agreement includes an intake interview, activation costs, basic helpdesk service, automatic updates and the most recent developments.

What else can plan2work.eu do for me?
  • Basic set-up and implementation, to maximise the efficiency of mijnRooster.nl
  • Dedicated hosting. Where required you can have your own server for a fixed amount per month
  • Planning advice. pLAN8 will analyse your organisation and provide recommendations relating to process optimisation and control systems
  • Outsourcing. Where required, pLAN8 can perform your staff planning after implementing plan2work.eu.